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  It was really excellent to see how much further china progresses year by year. From this campaign, I learned everything from eastern medicine to personalized home delivery. Each topic that was presented was done in a clean and organized manner, I felt impressed with Chinese ingenuity and creativity, as pertaining to science and technology. Through the help of this program, I learned facets of china I never had a chance to before. (林阳,美国)

  I feel that this camp was very useful and educational in not only the culture of the current Beijing, but also how Chinese culture has manifested and presented itself in the backgrounds and personalities of different people from all over the world. It was quite a very experience compared to the high school camp. Since many people are from different educational backgrounds, like music, etc. (阮莉莎,美国)

  This campaign was a really memorable experience. It enabled me to learn more about my culture, Chinese culture. This eye-opening event not only taught me much about my heritage and Chinese history, it allowed me to take an informative glimpse at the past and current development of china. Another import result of this event was, I was able to experience the warmth and understanding nature of my new friends, from all around the word. These past ten days have been not only a bridge between each country’s’ Chinese students and furthers the influence, understanding, and interest in Chinese culture. (刘壹铭,加拿大)

  I feel very happy and to be part of this campaign. Within these days in “Beihang”, I met a lot of friends, had a lot of things with them and I could learn a lot from them. Journey to “Beihang”, I had the chance to learn Chinese culture and history, visit the city of Beijing and all the great monuments of the city. With all the best! Everything is very good, the things, the places we were and mostly the food. Hope one day I have the chance to come back. Journey to all the hope that made this possible. (裘健良,葡萄牙)




  From my point of view, this kind of campaign is very interesting and useful. To meet a lot of friends and learn traditional Chinese culture. (唐昊然,西班牙)

  It was a very good experience. I learned a lot about Beijing, china, and Chinese culture. It was my first time coming to mainland china, so at first I was a little intimidated, but I felt like the program did a very good job making me feel at home. Many of the activities planned were interesting and information. Thank you for the great trip! (林君璇,美国)



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